APMP UK Intentional Career Path

The bid and proposal industry is the industry that serves all industries. But ask anyone in the profession how they got involved and almost without fail the answer will be that they stumbled into it! The goal of APMP UK’s Intentional Career Path programme is to make the career better known, and encourage people to select it as a conscious career choice. To do this, we have introduced a programme of guidance to inform those not aware of the joys, opportunities and benefits of the profession!

Pathways to the profession

Building on the already strong foundations of our hugely successful Apprenticeship and Mentoring programmes, the APMP UK Intentional Career Path programme is set to build awareness of the value of a bid and proposal profession through relationships with academia, schools, apprentice training providers, employers, and individuals. We are:

  • Collaborating with educators to promote careers in the bids and proposals industry.

  • Assisting educators in bringing bids and proposals to life through their courses and faculty.

  • Working with employers to highlight the profession and its impact on their businesses.

  • Connecting with UK Government agencies to advocate for the profession and our members.

APMP UK is proud of the supportive environment we have created for our 2,600+ members and we want to extend that environment to a new generation of bid and proposal professionals. Our goal is to create paths and partnerships to introduce and promote the profession and APMP UK by:

  • Sponsoring bid proposal classes, helping design and implement proposal class projects, instituting formal certification programs, etc.
  • Partnering with our corporate members and sponsor companies to connect with support the pathway to the profession.
  • Offering student memberships at a student-affordable rate of £25/year. Benefits include:
    • Full access to APMP resources, including the job bank.
    • Exclusive access to virtual job fairs.
    • Local student/chapter networking events.
    • Assigned APMP UK “buddy” to mentor a student (optional).
    • Annual training workshop(s) (i.e., LinkedIn, resume).

Learn More About A Career In Bids & Proposals

A career in bids in proposals is varied and rewarding. Watch this video to hear from graduates and apprentices in the bid and proposal profession, and download the infographic for details about the roles and benefits of the profession.

Join the APMP UK Intentional Career Path Focus Group

We’re looking for volunteers from the APMP UK membership to help us drive this programme. To volunteer, send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. now and we’ll be in touch!

Useful Professional Development Links

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